Our Mission and Vision to Give Artists a Safe Haven

Artstation and AI-generated images have recently shown that artists and their work are vulnerable to mis-incentivized businesses, scraping, and illegal misuse of artwork in AI models.

These artists have never given their consent to any of this and do not support the use of AI models including their art.

We believe there's a lot to be learned from. We believe we can do better. An art platform is nothing without its artists, and existing platforms don’t seem to understand that. Artgram is going to do better.

Our core mission and vision is simple, but powerful:

  1. Protect artists and their work.
  2. Give them a safe space to present their artwork to potential employers and fans to make money doing the work they’re most passionate about.

Here's a small glimpse at how we’re different:

Artgram does not support AI-generated work and never will. We are actively implementing counter-measures to detect and block AI-generated images from being uploaded on our platform.

Artgram is completely free for artists. We don't believe it's right to charge the people that make our community so valuable. Why should you be charged to upload 4K images in 2022? Instead, we believe in a fair and simple monetisation model targeted at those who consume your work, with your consent.

We actively protect your work. As an example, images on Artgram will include a signature to re-identify your work across the web. In the future, this will make it easier for us to support you with takedown requests. This is just one of multiple methods we will apply.

Profits are used to protect your craft. Supporting Artgram means supporting artists. We’re the technical arm of the movement that is campaigning for your rights at this very moment. Our technical research and innovation will play an important role in this campaign.

For example, our team is researching methods to understand to what extent an AI-generated image is based on your artwork. The fruits of this development will provide necessary evidence to defend artists in legal cases.

Transparent. Our weekly town hall meetings on Discord will provide full transparency on our goals, actions, and are an opportunity for members of the community to help shape Artgram in a way that maximizes the benefits for the art community.

We need your support in order to achieve our vision and mission. Show your artwork on Artgram, tell your friends about it, and help us be a safe haven for artists.

Artgram owner